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Enolgas Bonomi SpA

New Whistleblowing Reporting System

Enolgas Bonomi S.p.A. has adopted its own internal channel through which Whistleblowing reports can be sent, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblowers, other persons involved and the content of the reports.

Enolgas Bonomi S.p.A. has adopted the "Procedura per la Gestione delle Segnalazioni di Illeciti e la Tutela del Segnalante (c.d. Whistleblowing)”,
drafted in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023, which entirely revised the regulations on whistleblowing.
The "Procedura" is available to stakeholders and can be downloaded here.

Who can send reports?
Reports can be sent by individuals inside or outside the organization, such as employees, contractors, self-employed trainees, consultants, suppliers, shareholders or persons with administrative or control functions in the Company, such as Board Members
or members of the Board of Statutory Auditors.

What can be reported?
Reports, which should be as detailed as possible, concern violations of the law that harm the public interest or the integrity of the company,
such as the commission of a corrupt act or the violation of occupational or environmental health and safety regulations.
They are not whistleblowing reports and will not, therefore, be considered:

  • Complaints, claims or personal requests related to one's employment relationship (to be sent to the appropriate Personnel functions)
  • Complaints related to defects in products sold and services rendered by the Company 

How to report?
The internal reporting channel should be used as a priority. For sending written or oral reports or for requesting a meeting with the manager
of the report, it is necessary to access the Openblow platform via direct link from the dedicated section of the company's website
or by directly accessing the following address:

Who is the reporting manager?
It is the company T2 Advisory S.r.l., based in Brescia, Via delle Grazie No. 3.

External reporting and public disclosure channel

  • External channel managed by the National Anti Corruption Authority (ANAC) (available at the following website https://www.anticorruzione.it/-/whistleblowing): whistleblowers may use it on a residual basis and only in certain cases indicated in the extended disclosure.
  • Public disclosure through the press or social networks: whistleblowers may resort to it further residually and only in certain hypotheses indicated in the extended information notice.

Privacy Notice under European Regulation No. 679/2016.
The information provided pursuant to European Regulation No. 679/2016 is available to subjects at the following address: